Nick Sparks
Scotland’s Rural College
West Mains Road
Nick is currently am Head of the Animal & Veterinary Sciences (AVS) Group within SRUC’s Research Division. In that role he is responsible for research activities in genetics, animal welfare, disease systems and avian sciences. There are around 100 staff in AVS, most based in the Roslin Institute Building; our Avian Sciences team is based on the Auchincruive Campus near Ayr.
His own research interests are focused on the health and welfare of poultry in systems that span intensive through to scavenging. So for example, the role of bird welfare in the host pathogens interactions is becoming increasingly recognised as potentially important for bird and consumer heath. Much of his research is designed to be of relevance to the end-user in the immediate or short term. Consequently, he works closely with stakeholders, in particular poultry producers, but also government agencies and departments as well as NGOs.